Room 7, Harewood School, New Zealand

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Green Fingers

The whole school has a little part of the garden. In this plot we can plant carrots,strawberries and lots more.
Room 7 have been doing gardening for their topic this term but it is a short term so our veges will have to grow fast!!!
Room 7 have planted some flowers for colour(petunias) and some lettuces and broccoli so far. we are sproating peas and we have got cabbages to plant.

Room 7 have been writing in our journals about how beautiful nature is. In our native bush we saw beautiful things .We had to make close observations and record what we saw.

1 comment:

  1. You have lots in your garden Room 7! I hope there is room for everything to grow.
    It is great to hear that you noticing and writing about things around our school. The native garden is a great place to observe nature. Aren't we lucky to have such a beautiful school!
